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AI Productivity Assistant


How It Works

Motion works as an AI assistant designed to enhance productivity for individuals and teams. Motion, the AI-powered productivity tool, optimizes your workday by seamlessly managing tasks and schedules.


See all pricing


Task management Project management Automated scheduling and planning with A.I. Calendar management Meeting booking pages Meeting booking templates 1-click email assistant Desktop and Mobile app Dedicated customer support

$34 / per month

Task management Project management Automated scheduling and planning with A.I. Calendar management Meeting booking pages Meeting booking templates 1-click email assistant Desktop and Mobile app Dedicated customer support


Everything in Individual, plus: Collaborate on projects and tasks with your entire team Automated planning and prioritization of tasks for each team member Central billing 40% discount per member

$20 / per month

Everything in Individual, plus: Collaborate on projects and tasks with your entire team Automated planning and prioritization of tasks for each team member Central billing 40% discount per member


AI Planning: Automates project and task scheduling, optimizing dozens of times daily.

Happiness Algorithm: Prioritizes tasks for increased satisfaction and productivity.

Unified Calendar: Integrates work and personal schedules, streamlining task management.


#Project Management

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